Experiencing fogged up masks during paintball play? If so, read the following proven helpful tips to help prevent fogging so you can see your target clearly.
- Clean your mask after each use with soapy warm water, if available. If soapy water is not available, rinse with clean water. It's a good idea to carry bottled water to quench your thirst and rinse your mask.
When cleaning your mask, make sure your get all of the paint out of the cracks of your mask surrounding the lens. If not, it will streak when applying a no fog lens cleaner. Completely dry the mask with a clean, dry towel or dry t-shirt. Apply a no fog lens cleaner to the inside and outside of your mask using your index and middle finger and spray sparingly with the SPRAY BOTTLE.BUFF the gel or liquid into the lens with a clean, dry COTTON t-shirt. Be sure to store your cleaning t-shirt in a dry place, duffle bag, ziploc, or backpack and use a clean section each time. Once you've used your t-shirt for cleaning several times, toss in the washer and dryer for next time.
Try to absorb most of the moisture (sweat) from the sponge padding on the forehead piece of your mask with an absorbent towel. Ideally, let it dry out before wearing again. Wear a cotton headband, scarf or bandana to collect most of the moisture off your forehead, especially, if you perspire heavily. We recommend that you use a no fog lens cleaner throughout the day and/or night, especially if you perspire a lot and are experiencing a lot of fog. We have found that it works well in very damp conditions. Eyeglass wearers should apply no fog lens cleaner to BOTH their PRESCRIPTION eyeglass lenses and to their mask's lens inside and out. Guys out there! Any suggestions, comments, please share with us, we wud appreciate it very much.
Be a smart paintballers!
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