More often than not, I have seen paintballers who played at Dusun Ali King were somehow completely exhausted after a game or two, and I think a few tips on how they can perform better the next time they decide to hit the field.
Warming up before a game greatly reduces the number of times needed to rest and take a breather. Going straight into explosive action without a warm-up period means that your heart suddenly leaps from its resting beat-rate to double or triple what it is comfortable with. During a graduated warm-up, however, the cardiac rhythm increases progressively and gradually, meaning the heart can produce the same efforts with the same intensity without running the risk of strain and damage on your body. Warming up also reduces the small, stupid injuries you know you could have avoided, such as pulling a muscle, or tearing a ligament - injuries resulting from a lack of flexibility.
Warming-up is so called because it is exactly that - a warming of the body. Its purpose, above all, is to raise the body temperature enough to create the ideal conditions for the smooth running of all the physical systems.
Firstly, do some sort of light exercises such as slow running or jumping/skipping to increase the heart rate slightly and raise one's core temperature. It's good to get a little sweat, but don't over-do yourself to where you get tired. You could even do a little circuit like they do in some gym classes: 10 jumping jacks, 10 push-ups, 10 squats, repeated 2 to 4 times. Hits alot of the big muscles, getting them warm and primed for action.
Secondly, an activity-specific warm-up that concentrates on preparing the body systems and muscle groups that are to be most called upon during the training session. This will mainly involve stretching, joint manipulation, and breathing. Drink lots of water, to keep you hydrated.
Good luck and be a smart & a wise Paintballer.
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Thank you.
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