Back to Nature at Dusun Ali King Paintball, Gombak. 30 minutes from Kuala Lumpur.
Probably the most important issue in paintball is the type of battleground the game is to take place. The atmosphere of the game is determined by the choice of the field. Fields can be broadly divided into two categories: At Dusun Ali King Paintball, Gombak we have the natural and artificial field.
Mainly untouched ground with characteristic flora and fauna. This type of ground is difficult to manage, but, still, it is the most preferred field.
b. Artificial Fields: Completely, or partially, man-made fields.
ARENA: The most common name used for artificial fields. Plenty of tires, barrels, and trunks are used as barricades. Positioning of the barricades does not conform to a norm; it is up to the imagination of the designer. The main characteristic of the Arena is that it enables the public to watch the game as an audience.
The wooded fields are one of the most exciting places to play, the reason being that the woods provide protection for the players and thereby creating a little mystery in your game. When you can’t see the other players it makes the game more exciting and you can feel that adrenaline rush. Plus when you play outside in a wooded area the game takes on a sense of real combat like you are really in a game for your life.
The way you play the game is also different, you learn to play a better defense and offense, you have to adapt to your surroundings. You learn a sense of teamwork and you also learn a better sense of control, if you fire your gun and you don’t have a good shot then you will give away your position and it could jeopardize your position in the game.
Dusun Ali King wishes you guys a happy paintballing.
For more info about Dusun Ali King Paintball please call
Azrai: 012-695-0044
Kamal: 012-673-6313
Email: dusunaliking@yahoo.com.my or go to:
For Booking,Pricing & Meals Menu:
For Location/Map: see Attachment or Link below: http://www.maplandia.com/malaysia/selangor/kuala-lumpur/users/dusunaliking/
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