Tuesday, June 15, 2010



Dusun Ali King Paintball

Paintballers: Speed & Flexibility

Speed -

This is where it's at. Of primary concern for paintballers, being quick on your feet can keep you in the game. The important difference with paintball speed versus "regular" running speed, is that in an average paintball game, you rarely get the chance to run 30 or 40 feet in a straight line. There's lots of running at angles, ducking, dodging, etc. So, overall agility comes into play much more than traditional sprinting. One of the better ways to improve this is by running in a ZigZag pattern as part of your training.

Flexibility -

This is one of the most important factors for a paintballer. There are actually different types of stretches (Static stretching, dynamic stretching, etc.) Any of them will be a fine start, but if you want to get serious flexibility, to help slide and contort behind bunkers. Basically, stretch whatever body part, contract the muscle for a count of 10, relax, and ease the stretch a bit deeper.

Good luck and be a smart Paintballer.

For more info please go to: http://dusunaliking.multiply.com

Thank you.

(reliable sources from: Paintball.com)

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