Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Dusun Ali King Paintball, Gombak, Selangor, Malaysia

PAINTBALLERS - STRETCHING as recommended by Dusun Ali King

Stretching is very important. Over a period of time, stretching is going to help you tremendously. Don't just stretch one time before a game and think that it will do you any good. Stretching cold muscles can be/is dangerous. It is important that you do a warm-up of some kind before stretching. Something as simple as a 3 minutes jog, or 50 jumping jacks is all that is needed. Stretching warm muscles will increase your flexibility. Also, be sure not to 'Jerk' anything. Slowly ease in to the stretching, while increasing the tension on the muscle group gradually. 10 seconds isn't going to cut it. It's good to spend about 30 seconds per muscle group. Expect to spend about 10 minutes for a nice, complete stretch of the entire body.

Upper Body:
Your Neck: Get down on your hands and knees with your head facing the ground. Have someone place their hands on the back of your head WITHOUT pressing. Gently push against there hands, and then release tension. Do this to the left side of your head, your right side, as well as underneath. This will stretch the main muscles in your neck.

Your Shoulders: Swing your arms in a circular motion as if you were a pitcher winding up throwing. This does not need to be done long, but still long enough to loosen the tight shoulder muscles.

Your Arms/Triceps: Extend your arm out in front of you completely with your palms facing away from you. Move your extended arm into your chest, while with your other hand press your triceps firmly. Repeat this with the other arm as well.

Your Arms/Triceps 2: Extend your arm out with your palms facing the sky. Bend your arm at the elbow so that your hand comes behind your head. Take your opposite arm, grasp the elbow, and gradually push down in a 45-degree angle. Your hand should be able to touch your opposite shoulder blade. Repeat this with the other arm.

Your Hips: Although you may think This is stupid! or This is retarded or This is gay, this can actually help. Simple move your hips in a circular motion as if you were Hoola-Hooping . You’d be surprised at how it helps you feel.

Lower Body:
Your Quads: Crouch down to where you are standing on the balls of your feet. No other part of your body should be touching the ground. Place your two arms behind you on the ground. Thrust your abdomen into the air as you force your knees to the ground. You should feel tension in your Quads (The top part of your thighs).

Your Calves: Find any sturdy object that you can lean against. Depending on how tall you are, and how flexible you are, stand anywhere from 4 – 6 feet away from the object. With your heels staying on the ground fall forward into the object catching yourselves with your hands. Slowly increase the tension on your calves to stretch them.

Your Buttocks/Thighs: While sitting on the ground, take your right leg, and place it over your left leg. Your right leg should be in an upside down V shape while your left leg is flat on the ground. Twist your body to where your left shoulder and arm is past your right leg. Use this arm to gradually press on the V shaped leg to stretch the buttocks. While stretching your right leg, your head should be facing the right. While stretching the left leg, your head should be facing the left.

Good luck and be a smart & a wise Paintballer.

Good wishes from Dusun Ali King paintball.

For more info go to: http://dusunaliking.multiply.com

Thank you.

(reliable sources: Paintball.com)


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